4 Abbeys ride
Day 2
Jedburgh to Melrose
Via Kelso
34 Miles
We awoke to a pleasant morning however looking out there was a wasp nest outside window, so we didn't open the window to check the temperature.
All down bright and early for breakfast which was a really good spread. Set us up for the day nicely.
All refreshed we set off out to the van and retrieved our bikes, then walked across the car park for a photo outside the Abbey.
Fortunately the girl from the hotel that had been in to serve breakfast was standing waiting for a lift, so she kindly took our group photo with the Abbey in the background.
Then we saddle up and set off across the A68 to pick up the route on the back roads out of Jedburgh.
Nice quiet road, but unfortunately we were straight into a climb, a long fairly steep climb as well, at least I assured them it was the only one of the day.
![]() Jedburgh Abbey ready for the start
![]() The top of the climb video
Then just as the bank was levelling out a bit, Conner and I who were riding in the rear of the group spotted a deer bounding across the field on our left.
we stopped to watch but were that engrossed we didn't get a photo of it
Then the rain start and stopped again but it was only a light shower .
It was not long until we came to a turning, the official route went straight on, but I had decided to swing left as it was a flatter route, a more minor road,
a shorter distance and would mean spending less time on a busy "B" road. We could still see the ruined Cessford Castle
![]() Cessford Castle on its mound |
![]() There was not much left to see of the ruined castle |
We got to the junction and took the left onto the "B" road, it was busy so I was glad I had limited our time on it.
Then we came to the junction where the "B" road joined a main "A" road the A698, but it was just a staggered cross roads so we went over it no problem.
When we turned off the A698 onto the minor road there was a nice bridge over the river, the road was closed to vehicles
but open for pedestrians and cyclists. We love a nice bridge so we stop for lots of photos.
![]() Entering the bridge |
![]() Stop to admire the views |
![]() Bridges always put a smile on a face |
![]() Off the bikes for a good look around |
![]() Lets pose for a picture |
![]() All together now smile for the camera |
After we left the bridge it was a nice quiet road that meandered along following close to the river heading towards Kelso
Unfortunately the weather got worse and the rain started, and it just got heavier as the day went on
![]() Deciding if we should put our coats on |
![]() Some coat up some chance it for a little longer |
![]() Kelso Town sign
![]() The rain is getting heavier so only a few stop for the town sign |
![]() Quick photo stop on Kelso Bridge in the rain |
![]() Looked good but it was closed |
![]() Yes closed for repairs |
![]() At least the workers were at work |
![]() Kelso market square very wet |
![]() Maybe we should have used this mode of transport |
A few went into a cafe, while some of us stayed outside because we knew it would feel worse to come back out into the rain.
There was a nice takeaway hot sandwich shop, unfortunately their hot drinks machine was broken. Which meant popping two doors down to another place for our hot drinks to go with the sandwiches.
All were very nice tasty and warm. Good choice.
![]() Stopped for a map check and discussion of route. |
As the rain was torrential we had a quick discussion and map check, my original route had been to put in a loop past
Scots view and Wallace statue then drop into top of Melrose.
We decided to miss that out as it added a long climb as well as distance and time which none of us fancied in the heavy rain.
The landmarks were great view points but there would have been no view in this weather
We opted to take the more direct cycle route option and get to Melrose the quickest way
Ian happened to be passing in the van and doubled back to check we were ok.
Tempting though it was to get in out the rain we decided to soldier on with our cycles rather than pile into the van
It still left us with climb at the end, before dropping down into Melrose and the hotel.
![]() Dave and Colin N pose at Melrose. Rest of the riders head for the hotel. |
Ian was already parked up just down from the hotel so we placed our bikes in the van and collected our overnight bags, for the short walk to the Hotel
We had a bit of a wait until we all got sorted and room keys handed over. By this time we had left pools of rain water all over the reception and bar floor area.
Every one had twin rooms except Dave and I who had the garden room with separate bedrooms, yippee wouldn't have to listen to the snoring tonight.
We all put the room heating on to try and dry our kit out.
Dave asked the lad on reception if he had a tumble dryer as his coat was so bad he didn't think it would dry on the radiators.
The evening meal had already been pre booked, before we had arrived at the hotel, so all we had to do was shower change and go to the dining room, via the bar of course.
![]() Dave and I in our 4 Abbeys T shirts. |
Unfortunately the lad from reception didn't know how to use the dryer so Daves coat was still wet the next morning.
It got a few minutes drying time on the radiators in the room while we had breakfast.
Luckily the rain had stopped so Dave's wet coat would not be such an issue for day three.
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the Multiday Men ©