Glasgow to Dunbar

Day 2

33.2 Miles

We awoke to a lovely warm sunny  day

Everyone went down for breakfast except me as I was still full from the night before. 
I had a nice leisurely time getting ready, and by the time I walked out to the car park everyone was ready for the off  waiting for me.
As expected I took a bit of stick over that.

Today we leave the Forth & Clyde canal and follow the Union canal all the way to Edinburgh
We all got saddled up and set off, its a flat start but we have to climb for two miles on roads, its pretty steep but eventually we arrive at the point where we can join the Union canal

The Union canal nice surface nice weather 

Now we follow the Union canal all the way to Edinburgh.

Once the climb was over it was then nice and flat along Union canal 

Not long into the journey we see our first canal boat heading towards us,
Time for a cheery hello and a photograph.



Only another couple of miles and we come to the Avon Aqueduct. 
This a first for us cyclist so we spend a while taking it all in and taking photographs.
Some of us dip our wheels in the canal.
We see another canal boat heading same direction as us so we chat with them as we walk over the aqueduct.


Avon Aqueduct

Taking it all in

Its safer to push than pedal over

Here comes the canal boat

Give us a wave Dave

The views over the side are impressive

Its along way down

Lovely view

Once on the other side of the aqueduct we  saddle up and ride on for only another  3 miles then we come to Linlithgow.
another picture perfect spot overlooking the town and the canal boat centre.

Its just too nice a spot not to stop again,

We wondered what the strange stone building was, here is the explanation

The pigeon palace

Canal information

The sculpture is a tribute to the Dudley's original owner, Liz Burrows, who was a founding member of Burgh Beautiful, who died in January 2012. Dudley was her much-loved rescue cat. She bequeathed a large legacy to Burgh Beautiful. Liz lived by the Union Canal with Dudley and was an active member of Linlithgow Union Canal Society. There is also a memorial bench to her on the opposite side of the canal to the statue.

It was a nice place to stop with a canal centre across the canal and the town laid out below us.

Some of us went looking for a cafe others were content to sit by the canal side and enjoy the sun and the peace and quiet.
They were unable to find a cafe in the town so came back and wanted to ride on a bit to see if there was a cafe further along the canal.

Peter had note come back with them he had decided he wanted to go a bit farther into the town to see Linlithgow Palace.

On the way back Peter passed a Tesco's so popped in and bought us all ice creams.

There was one extra so he offered it to some people on a boat who were just pulling along side.

The canal centre with a few boats in

View from the other side of the canal

Nice place for a stop

Linlithgow Palace

 Some of the group had cycled on hoping to find a cafe, yes there was one just 1 mile farther on so we stopped again
At the Park Bistro 

Again it was a nice peaceful spot by the canal and busy with a large premises and car park 

After all the delays we really had to get going so saddled up and got on our way again, 
along the nice flat well surfaced canal in the warm calm sunshine.

It was great riding and some interesting sights and scenery along the way

Just lush green scenery

Another Scottish castle, This one had a light on in one of the rooms 
so looks like it might be inhabited

Soon we come to another aqueduct, what a great interesting ride this is turning out to be
naturally we have to stop for more photos.

Another aqueduct, only safe way to cross is to dismount

Nice long push on cobbles

Peter enjoying the aqueduct

Come on lads at least we are not pushing uphill

After a few more miles  its time to stop for a break and enjoy the surroundings, although not everyone was taking the scenery in

Connor having a snooze on a convenient seat

Its not too long and we are crossing the M8 and entering the outskirts of Edinburgh
Luckily the canal continued over the aqueduct and over the M8.

We had some great views of the motorway and the city looming ever closer.

What a great way to arrive in Edinburgh, along the canal side , it was busy with lots of students cycling to and from University and campus

Connor now recovered after his little nap we negotiate the aqueduct
This one is rideable but we stop for photos.

Back the way we came all trees and undergrowth

Great way to cross the M8
On the Scott Russell Aqueduct

Fantastic views along the M8

City in the distance

Along the canal side into the centre of the city.
A very scenic way to arrive in Edinburgh

Eventually the canal comes to an end and we have to pick our way through side streets and parks for a couple of miles
We ride past Hollyrood and through a large park that was very busy with students so we had to take it really slow;
Fortunately most of the route is on cycle paths however as has been the way this year as we went down a turning for the off road cycle path.
The route was closed off again by a barrier. We have to go back up the hill to the  road.

It was a busy road down to hotel but at least it had a cycle lane. Then back onto a traffic free route, 
it was at this point I found we could have come a different way all traffic free.
That's the disadvantage of relying on a pre programmed  sat nav instead of up to date maps.

However we all arrived safe and sound at the hotel on the outskirts between Edinburgh and Mussleburgh, another Premier inn
Nice stopover, after a shower and change of clothes As the hotel don't do evening meals on their premises.
we all went to the  attached pub next door  for an evening meal. 
They were doing a deal for two people, two courses and a drink for £20.
As there was ten of us we could take advantage of the offer and a good night was had by all..
The  hotel however did provide breakfast on its own premises so we booked that for the following morning.

Then to bed ready for the next days ride.



Prelude Day 1 Day 3
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