Sunday llth April. JOHNSTONE - AYR 34 MLS
Jane goes for her run about 730am. I frantically watch the TV for the forecast - fine morning cloudy afternoon ??? Who were they
830am All down for breakfast everyone in good spirits, despite Colin dropping his trousers to show off his cycle shorts just as
mine host was coming through with the Breakfasts. Leisurely breakfast then it was time to load the bikes.
Minor hiccup in the car park one of the guests reverses his car into Colins New Vectra
SRI scraping the Bumper and choosing not to stop. Apart from that at Approx 10am we were ready to
roll, its raining, we must be on our cycling holiday. Photos and Video whirring, we were on our way once more towards Tynemouth well Ayr
today approx mileage 34 miles. A downhill start makes a change, a quiet ride through Johnstone and we picked the cycle route the old
railway cinder track and set off steady away( its south all the way back to Tynemouth) our first stop was to be Lochwinnoch, which was to be our first stamping station, the weather was cloudy but
pleasant for cycling as we slowly got away from the urban environment and into the country side pleasant rolling
hills. As we
cycle along we pass a guy with Black plastic mask a bit like Darth Vader he followed us keeping the same distance behind all the way to Lochwinnoch, our first stamping station at the Leisure
park. It was a lovely place the sun shining people on rowing boats very peaceful.
Lochwinnoch, our first stamping station |
We cause a slight commotion as the lady states I had a phone call from Sustrans last week to remind us - you are the first of the
season. Other people wait till the weather is warmer. We were to hear that again.
Eventually stamped, we even got a free Lochwinnoch country Park badge. Colin repaired the first puncture, what was to be the first
of a few breakdowns that day.
We left Lochwinnoch in sunshine and cycled twice round the town before we found our way back onto the cycle track.
We have a steady ride along the cycle tracks and country lanes the weather is clouding
over. Along the way Colin is altering my gears
so we swap bikes for a while, his bike handles better than it looks.
We arrive at Kilwinnning and enjoy a pint in the Buffs tavern the name of the local football
team. I quickly realise that the beer is
going to be an acquired taste.
Hurry up and fix that puncture the rain is coming |
Colin gets a second puncture. Repaired, then slowly down towards
Irvine. Its starts to rain and the wind starts to get up and yes its in our faces. As
we cycle through Irvine the rain gets heavy. We see a man putting out a sign Fish and
Chips 300 yds, its wet and cold a Bag of Chips will be just the job, we do a detour -surprise
surprise the Chippy is closed.
Irvine is a very pleasant town all revamped in a Maritime theme. Home to Scotland's
Maritime museum. The Rain and Wind become
relentless and torrential, we just plough on Colin has to stop in Bus shelter and get more wet weather gear
on. We eventually make it
to Troon sea front and a chippy is open we order warm chips and a drink and take
shelter in a Public Toilet to eat the food and dry off a little, it was luxury compared to
outside. The Baby changing table came in very handy for our meal.
Fish and chips in Troon seafront toilet |
We cycle along the coast it is torrential if it was not for the wind and rain the view is wonderful( I think).
We cycle on slow progress all of a sudden nobody else is about just us who have no
option. Past Troon golf course and some
extremely Large Mansions.
As we arrive at Monkhill just outside Prestwick airport disaster, my rear tyre
side wall rips, I don't believe it. The inner tube is sticking out in a large
bulge ready to go pop at any time. The weather and Now this. Colin says we have
to lighten the load so the tube holds out as long as possible. So we off load my panniers,
strap one each onto the other two bikes then Colin being the lightest, rides
my bike and I ride his. Graeme and me share the luggage. GOOD TEAM WORK. The rain is relentless and now we are limping along with
a disabled bike. Colin riding it canted over at an angle to try and stop the bulging
tube rubbing on the road.
It is slow progress especially as the route takes around the houses and along the front,
where the inner tube finally bursts and Colin has to ride the last few miles into
the wind and rain with a flat back tyre. Apart from some foolhardy fishermen no
one else is about. We get to Ayr and attempt to read the rain sodden map for directions to the
Digs. We eventually get to our digs in Ayr bedraggled wrecks.
The Lochinver guest house land lord takes one look at us and puts blankets down
in the hall and allows us to leave our bikes in the hallway of the house.
We find our rooms and everything has to be dried out. All available radiator space
used. Colin has to repair a hairdryer to use as a drying aid. As I am sorting myself out Graeme asks me what
I'm like cycling in snow, he wasn't kidding he'd heard the weather forecast.
8 15pm we are changed and dried out, we go out for food and a beer. Guess what, its stopped raining and its a nice evening.
We find an Indian restaurant which was very good apart from the waitress who insisted on telling us her life
1100pm Bed. What a day Rain, cycle tracks going nowhere. Punctures Blow outs and attacks from two dogs and a
cat. It can't get any worse can it?
1999 Introduction | 1999 Day 1 | 1999 Day 2 | 1999 Day 3 | 1999 Day 4 |
1999 Day 5 | 1999 Day 6 | 1999 Day 7 | 1999 Poem |
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