Colin and Karen continue touring Britain
by bike and Motorhome
Day 7
The Journey home
We had been going to share the
driving and with stops and spend the day driving home,
However there was a nice site just off the M6 near Jodrell Bank and
Northwich and when we called there was availability.
We decided break the journey as it was about the halfway point.
As we were nearing the site fuel was getting down so we checked
and found there was a fuel station just off the motorway, no need to pay
motorway prices.
We pulled off and at the top of the slip road there was the garage.
Closed for refurbishment, no problem carry on into Middlewich, Found the only
fuel station had prices same as motorway.
I hate greedy profiteering businesses, luckily we were only low on fuel not desperate
so carry on to the site.
Quickly sited and we decide to
have a cycle round the site, Its very nice and very large,
a check on the internet showed a fishing lake and bridle paths from the site.
Just at that the couple pitched next door strike up a conversation, they are
regular visitors to the site and tell us where the gate is for access to the
bridle path.
Unfortunately the husband is a good talker and delays us for over 20
We set off find the gate and drop onto the bridle path beside the fishing lake.
![]() We find the track out the back of the site |
![]() The way ahead looks interesting and great fun |
![]() The fishing lake is large lovely and busy |
![]() The fishing platforms |
There are lots of fishermen so we cycle quietly, along its very scenic.
At the end of the path is a gate through the gate and we are beside a farm
that has apple and pear trees and a few hens.
Karen has to stop and admire some of the variety of hens.
The farm is adjacent to a minor
road, we decide to explore it a short way.
It goes up a short rise over the Motorway which is still busy and has roadworks.
We admire the nice properties then cross back over the Motorway.
When we come to the lake there is a path that goes right leading to the opposite
side of the lake,
we decide to take a circular route round the lake,
the path goes very close to the Motorway and is just inside a fence to separate
it from the road.
Feels a bit scary with wagons thundering past so close but soon the path
moves further away
and we lose the sound behind some trees.
As we come around the bottom of the lake we are beside a market garden the field
and crops are absolutely showpiece.
We stop to admire the crops then cycle on as we circle the lake there is a Heron
Karen stops for a photo, but it is a
bit far away, while she positions
herself I cycle up the lake,
This makes the Heron take flight so Karen can try and take an action picture, its hard
with just a smartphone.
![]() The best fisherman on the lake |
![]() Heron takes flight |
![]() Skimming the water |
![]() Gains height and angles away from us |
We follow the track back to the
adjacent village then onto the site.
Only 3 miles but a really nice ride.
The next morning we are up and
decide as we have plenty of time we will drop the waste water and have a leisurely
pack up.
Unfortunately the old couple
from the adjacent pitch decide to stand for a chat.
He is 85 and was a train driver on both steam and diesel engines.
Because we show an interest he stands and talks for over an hour.
Telling his life storey and reminiscing about his work as a train driver.
Eventually he wanders off to
his wife after she had been calling him for 30 minuets.
We do the quickest pack up ever I unplug the electric fold up the steadies
and put the bikes in,
Meanwhile Karen puts the interior items away and secures the cupboards.
We jump in and set off.
Call at Northwich for fuel, it looks a nice town so make a mental note to visit
this site again and see Northwich and Joderall Bank.
A nice easy uneventful drive home to finish a great holiday
Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 |
Email for
further information or holiday planning
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